Winnie-the-Pooh claimed to be a "bear of very little brain." I fear I must make the same claim, except for the bear thing. I cannot figure out how to get a working button onto my Blogger page.
JenLa spelled it all out SO very carefully and patiently and yet, I’m sorry to say, I cannot get it to work. I think, aside from my very little brain, it must have something to do with the protocols that Blogger has put into its editing features. I can put the picture on but not the link. I can put the picture and a non-working link up, but it won’t show the picture and the link doesn’t work. Part of the problem, but only part, is that they allow you to add a picture to your page but will not permit a link line to be added in. When I try to add an HTML/Java edit the link just won’t function.
I’d say "HELP!" but in doing so I would have to acknowledge that actually I have no readers for this page. Maybe one on a day when the tourist bus comes through. This would result in a collapse of my little system in which I imagine that people read these little writings I put up. But after all, why should they?
So all I can say is that I don’t understand how to make this work. JenLa, if you ever could hear me, I would let you know that it’s your button after all I would like to put on my site. I just love your blog and the rest of your web site.
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