And I Would Still be On My Seat
I went to visit Viktoria today at Nasse Knits, as I do almost every day. I can’t tell you what I like so much about her blog, but I really do; it’s one of my favorites. I put my very favorites on that list over there on the right, right up at the top, in no particular order.
Viktoria was having some serious gauge trouble today, and I don’t understand why, and I don’t understand how I can keep it from happening to me. As you know if you have been reading these posts, which statistically I realize you haven’t, I am pretty new at this business and I am getting kind of a reverse parallax – unknown knitting things gain size as they recede further into the unknown.
So now another thing to fear – knitting one side of a sweater and having it not match the other. To fear but not, I think, to surrender to. Ripping has become my number one knitting style. I went so far the other day as to suggest to one of the people who helped teach me to knit last spring that perhaps they should teach the tink first and the other stitches later. The tink is to me the most liberating fact of knitting life.
I am about to get this wretched scarf off my needles, and the Christmas stocking too, and then I will start on the mittens and then I will start designing a sweater I have in my head. I will not knit this one in the round, in part because I think it was a bad idea to start off that way and in part because I want to learn a new thing.
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