So now there are two new sweaters, nearly identical, completed for myself and my son.
No, that's not us. You can tell because those aren't sweaters. As soon as I can find my camera-talking-to-computer cord, I will post #1, which I finished on 22 January, and #2, which I finished today except for kitchener-ing up the armpits.
I love love love this pattern because there are only these two little seams and the kitchener stitches totally hide them, besides which you wouldn't see them most of the time anyway since they're the armpits, unless, you know, you were playing basketball in them. Which, seeing as how they're very toasty, I don't recommend.
I did one for my son accidentally. Not that he doesn't deserve one, which he does, what a great person, but of course we all think that and I won't bore you with that, I'll bore you with the rest of this story. Except that the only two people I know who read this already know this story, so I won't bore THEM with it I don't think, because if I were them I wouldn't read a story I'd already heard a boring enough oral version of once already.
But the thing is, in case anyone at all has come this far, I mis-arithmeticked (the blogspot spell-checker is working overtime tonight) the sweater I was going to knit for myself because I didn't include the ease, so the boy gets that. And I get the other one, which I wore last week and it fits quite nicely.
The weather was really sweet this weekend (I don't care about sun or rain but I do so like when it gets warmer) so melting most of the remaining North Carolina mountain snow left over, in amongst my woods, from Christmas plus a similarly unusually deep snow that happened the second weekend in January.
It's not even February yet, though. We're in the middle of the period I've always referred to as the "Days of Dearth," which is January 15 to February 15. It's not that the weather is dismal, it's that the weather is dismal and the hope of spring is really not in sight. Fortunately, I now have the Kanuga Knitting & Quilting Retreat on Martin Luther King weekend, which I don't seem to be able to shut up about, and which, in addition to Thanksgiving, is really the big deal of the year for me. Except this year, of course, I'm traveling solo to Japan in June, so that may be pretty cool too.
That's no one I know, just a photo I like.
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